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ECSA 2020
Mon 14 - Fri 18 September 2020 L'Aquila, Italy
Patricia Lago

Registered user since Fri 6 May 2016

Name:Patricia Lago

Patricia Lago is professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where she leads the Software and Sustainability research group in the Computer Science Department. She has a PhD in Control and Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Torino and a Master in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, both in Italy. She is member of the IEEE ICSA and ECSA Steering Committees and the Steering Committee of the ICT4S conference series, member of the IFIP 2.10 Working group on Software Architecture, and the IFIP 2.14 Working group on Services-based Systems. She has published in all major conferences and journals of her field.

Her passion in research is to create software engineering knowledge that makes software better, smarter, and more sustainable. Her philosophy is that research should be industrial-relevant and serve the final purpose of being applied in practice. To this end, her research specifically focuses on the “real’’ needs of practice by establishing collaboration with partners from both private and public sectors.

Her research and teaching are about software architecture, software design and modeling, software quality assessment. She is the initiator of the Computer Science Master Track in Software Engineering and Green IT, and the director of the Master Information Sciences. She co-founded the Green Lab, a place where researchers, students and companies collaborate to measure the energy footprint of software solutions.

Affiliation:Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Personal website: http://patricialago.nl
Research interests:Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Software Sustainability


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