“Don’t stop Architecting!”
The ECSA 2020 Organizing Committee extends its sympathies to all of those impacted by COVID-19, in any form, and in any place worldwide
Dear software architects and all those sympathetic to the topic, let us avoid COVID-19 to stop our work!
If you are planning your workshop proposal (due on April 06th), your research or industry paper submission (due on May 04th), or other papers submissions (due on June 10th) for ECSA 2020, don’t stop your work. All due dates are still in effect.
While the conference is still relatively far away, the University of L’Aquila is ready to handle the different scenarios that might apply in mid-September.
Here are a few guidelines:
Just submit your contribution. It will be thoroughly evaluated by our Committees, and accepted contributions will be published by Springer!! None of those steps require any travel or any risk related to COVID-19. Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates in Overleaf are already available so to maximize online collaborative work. Other templates and further information is available on our website.
Share your research. We are hopeful that the situation will improve and we will have a great conference in L’Aquila, Italy come September 2020. Regardless of how COVID-19 may evolve, UnivAQ is ready to provide all speeches (onsite and distance) on live streaming. The talks will be also registered on our platform (the same we are using to provide hundreds of courses in distance learning). We will also make a strong publicity campaign so that your presentations can reach (possibly) many hundreds of participants.
Meanwhile, we are preparing a list of social events to enjoy staying together in an inspiring location like L’Aquila, Italy. COVID-19 will not stop architecting!
Hope to see you all in September!